I’m excited to announce that ‘Reclaimed: New homes from old materials’ will be on sale in Australia from 30 August and is now available for pre-order from Booktopia Australia. The book will be available for sale in the UK from 2023 and in the US as well (to be confirmed).

The book is published by Thames & Hudson Australia and designed by Claire Orrell, who did an amazing job. It includes 24 projects from 12 countries around the world. A full list of architects with projects in the book is here:
ALEXANDER &CO: alexanderand.co
ANDERSON ARCHITECTURE: andersonarchitecture.com.au
ANN EDGERTON: annedgerton.com
ARBOREAL ARCHITECTURE: arborealarchitecture.com
AXIOPLUC: axiopluc.net
BREATHE: breathe.com.au
CAMILLE HERMAND ARCHITECTURES: camillearchitectures.com
CAMPOS STUDIO: campos.studio
CAN: can-site.co.uk
CUMULOLIMBO STUDIO: cumulolimbo.com
DDAP ARCHITECT: ddaparchitect.com
EDITION OFFICE: edition-office.com
KADERSTUDIO: kaderstudio.eu
MARTIN SKOČEK: martinskocek.sk
MATT ELKAN ARCHITECT: mattelkanarchitect.com.au
OFFICE S&M: officesandm.com
RETROUVIUS: retrouvius.com
SIDE ANGLE SIDE: sideangleside.co
SILAA ARCHITECTS: facebook.com/silaaarchitects
STUDIO 30 ARCHITECTS: studio30architects.co.uk
STUDIO BRIGHT: studiobright.com.au
STUDIO SARANSH: studiosaransh.com
UPSTRS_: www.upstrs.co
Reclaimed: New homes from old materials
Bricks can be cleaned, timber hardens with age and metal develops a pleasing patina without deteriorating, making them all perfect for reuse. Yet every day more building materials are being manufactured from virgin resources. This inspiring book focuses on contemporary homes made with reused components or materials that might once have been considered waste. Divided into four key categories – brick, timber, metal and a range of materials constituted from waste – every home showcases design ingenuity and award-winning architecture.
Featuring 24 unique houses and apartments, from a barn-inspired house made entirely with reclaimed bricks to a semi-detached Edwardian with recycled benchtops and cabinets made from plastic chopping boards and bottle tops, every project shows what can be achieved with creativity and flair as clever design becomes more closely aligned with ethics and sustainability.
With advice on how to source existing resources and support a circular economy, Reclaimed is a valuable guide for anyone planning to build or renovate a stylish new home.
Pre-order your copy from Booktopia Australia