These playful mugs with a mahjong motif are characteristic of the ultra-modern and sometimes humorous take on the traditional visual language of Hong Kong that is Goods of Design.

Ever since I spent some time in HK during 2016, I have been a fan of the brand, whose abbreviation G.O.D. is a homophonic translation of the Cantonese 住好啲 (jyu hou di) , which roughly translates as to live better. The brand’s sense of humour has an Australian flavour so it’s not surprising that co-founder Benjamin Lau is Australian and Australia is one of the company’s top five shipping locations. Check out some more of my favourite designs below.

I love how the dirty city and the crowded neon signs are reflected in their designs, along with a redesign of traditional motifs. So, if you are online shopping like many of us now, why not pretend you are popping over to Hong Kong for a holiday and bringing Hong Kong home via these designs.
More at Goods of Desire